New lifestyles 2023

Meet : sharing experiences

Meet: sharing experiences

Our shopping centers are full of life, places to meet up and discover new things, where the customer journey, design and events are all part of the experience. The social ties that attract visitors to our malls form thanks to the importance we place on the lively atmosphere, comfort and range of services that we offer to make sure our customers are satisfied.

  • +26Net Promoter Score (NPS) points between 2017 and 2022. Our visitors recommend our centers to their friends and family!
  • 100,000posts shared on social media by our visitors thanks to our "Shareable Malls" initiative

Inclusive spaces for parents

To promote inclusiveness and help parents share tasks, baby changing areas are now open to dads too. These new Baby Lounges are accessible to all parents in our recent renovation projects - including at Grand Place, Gran Reno, Prado, Plenilunio and Assago - and are coming soon to other Group shopping centers.

A committed event strategy

The event lineup at our shopping centers is an essential aspect of our vision. It also creates great memories and experiences that cement our relationship with visitors. Events include concerts, cooking classes, sports challenges, animal shows, partnerships with international sensations like Naruto, as well as local non-profit expos and second-hand sales. With so many formats and experiences, there is something for everyone!

Not-to-be-missed innovations

A good example is the brand Stooly, with its eco-friendly designer furniture made of reinforced kraft paper, shown here in a store in Val d’Europe (near Paris).